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CPR - Cardio Pulmonary ResusitationCPR - Cardio Pulmonary Resusitation

Would you know how to help someone was in Cardiac Arrest?

Why not learn how to provide CPR and how to operate an Automatic External Defibrillator.

First Aid

First AidFirst AidWhat First Aid provision should we provide?  How many First Aiders do we need?  What level of training do our First Aiders require? How many First Aid kits do we need?  What should the First Aid kits contain?

The number of people and what level of First Aid training they should have is stipulated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under the Health and Safety at Work Regulations and is dependant upon the environment and the activities carried out within.

Whilst the HSE no longer governs First Aid course providers it does however provide guidance on selecting course providers, the minimum syllabus content, how the courses should be delivered and the method of  assessment of candidates on such courses.  The HSE also stipulates the length of time a qualification is valid for and frequency of refresher training.

Should you require assistance on determining your First Aider requirements LilleyPad Training offers advice, training and can supply suitable First Aid kits.

Governing bodies and associations of Complementary Therapists have now made First Aid training a prerequisite of gaining and maintaining qualifications and for membership of their associations.  Most of the Complementary Therapist governing bodies have settled on the Emergency First Aid at Work (EFaW) course as the minimum level of training.

Various sport governing bodies now mandate / advise that coaches, trainers and officials have First Aid training appropriate to their role within the sport.

The following First Aid courses are provided by LilleyPad Training:

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) - learn and qualify how to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work.

First Aid at Work (FAW) – learn and qualify to FAW level (a nationally recognised qualification), learn how to apply first aid for a range of specific injuries and illnesses.

Emergency First Aid at Work for Complementary Therapists - (EFAW4CT) learn and qualify how to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while in a clinic or treatment environment, also includes how to assist and manage a range of chronic conditions a therapists clients may have.

Basic Life Support with Automated External Defibrillator (BLS+AED) learn basic life saving skills and how to safely use an AED.

LilleyPad Training First Aid courses are certified by WorkSafe Training Systems who monitor and audit the content, provision and instructors of these courses. 

For details of our First Aid courses please contact us via the form on this page.