Learn Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy
Amatsu TheoryWhy choose LilleyPad Training to learn with? A question that everybody should be sure they know the answer to before committing.
LilleyPad Training is owned and run by Gina and John Lilley. Gina qualified as an Amatsu Soft Tissue practitioner in 2009 and as a qualified Teacher in 2015.
Gina has a background in complementary therapy, having started with massage in 1999. Since then, Gina has explored other forms of massage, reflexology, reiki, body reading, foot analysis and Ear Candling. Coming across Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy in 2007 and as with all other therapies learned, benefited from having the treatments to fully understand what the effects could be.Gina was fascinated by the simple corrections made to the body that facilitated much better gait, posture and movement in general. Somewhat in awe of the evident assessment tools that were missing from other therapies already learned.
Gina says “I had always been aware of the benefits of many different complementary therapies. There are so many of them to choose from and whilst not all will suit everybody, some will hold the key to releasing issues".
Amatsu Trining viewsAmatsu Soft Tissue Therapy was the answer for Gina. Giving the tools I needed to understand the client better. To look at this unique person and assess them as such. Working out what the root cause of a problem was and addressing that through gentle and minimal intervention. The end result being potentially longer lasting results that the body recognises have changed the overall shape and therefore posture. Meaning, clients able to return to previously shelved hobbies and sports due to that “just getting old” label.
The benefits of my 2 years training in this therapy were huge. My existing client base all changed over to have Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy and I stopped offering the other treatments. I would just caveat this by saying that I did this because I believed that for me, Amatsu was to be my tool of choice. Therefore, I would focus all my attention and learning on this therapy and not look to discover more about the others. I believe in all the therapies I have learned about and think they all have their place within complementary healthcare.
Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy Practitioner training with LilleyPad Training
The next course in Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy will be taking place from January 2021 in Kings Langley, Hertfordshire. The course runs over two years, each year follows a similar timetable. The first year consists of 7 face to face practical classroom modules running Friday to Monday approximately every other month. These are supported by directed self study which involves the submission of Anatomy & Physiology (A&P), Amatsu theory homeworks and practical case studies which are submitted monthly by email according to a schedule agreed at the start of the course these being marked and returned (by email) along with constructive feedback within 2 weeks of the submission date ensuring continued learning and development throughout the year.
Our Association, ATIUK, require a Level 4 Anatomy & Physiology qualification to support the Amatsu Practitioner course of study. This is provided by Learn Anatomy. This cost of this course is in addition to the Amatsu Practioner course fees and payable directly to Learn Anatomy.
This Anatomy & Physiology course is formed of 8 online Modules, and can commence as soon as you are registered on the Amatsu Practitioner training course.
This course forms the Anatomy & Physiology homework for Year 1. All learners will sit an Anatomy & Physiology exam in November 2021.
Provisional 2021 Timetable
This timetable and dates are provisional and will be reviewed once the social distancing guidelines are lifted and it is considered safe and appropriate to conduct such courses.
Dates Topic Case Studies Amatsu Theory
January 2021
Friday xx - Monday xx Module 1
February 2021
4 to be completed Module 1
March 2021
Friday xx - Monday xx Module 2 & 3 4 to be completed Module 2
April 2021
4 to be completed Module 3
May 2021
Friday xx - Monday xx Module 4 & 5 4 to be completed Module 4
June 2021
4 to be completed Module 5
July 2021
Friday xx - Monday xx Module 6 & 7 4 to be completed Module 6
August 2021
4 to be completed Module 7
September 2021
Friday xx Monday xx Module 8 4 to be completed Module 8
October 2021
Friday xx - Monday xx Exam Practice Revision Revision
November 2021
Saturday xx Theory Exams
Sunday xx Practice Exams
Monthly homework
Anatomy & Physiology paper, devised to take the learner to Level 4.
Practical case studies completed every month, based on the last practical classroom learning.
Amatsu Theory, these are set upon completion of each practical / classroom session.
A homework submission dates will be issued at the beginning of the year. This will show submission dates which are not negotiable, however, truly extenuating circumstances can be taken into consideration.
All homework is submitted via email. They will be marked with constructive feedback given within a 2 week period of the deadline to ensure continued learning and development.
At the end of the first year following completion of all homework, case studies and being successful in the Anatomy & Physiology, Amatsu theory and Amatsu practical examinations held November 2021 students will hold a qualification in Anma.
There is no denying it is a full syllabus and the classroom timetable is structured to ensure learners benefit to the maximum from their days exploring and growing their palpatory skills. The syllabus relates to National Occupational Standards (NOS) and has been researched to ensure the latest and most relevant information is always passed onto our students.
An Amatsu Soft Tissue Discovery Day is being held on 25 April 2020 (when social distancing guidelines are lifted) in Kings Langley, which you are very welcome to attend to find out more if you would like to? Please let me know about that and also any further questions you may have.
LilleyPad Training is a registered school within Amatsu Therapy International (UK) Limited (ATIUK). The syllabus that ATIUK works to was created by Jane Langston and Gina Lilley and is a result of many years’ experience and research. Bringing Amatsu Soft Tissue therapy into line with National Occupational Standards without compromising its fundamentals. The emphasis is on teaching with an adaptable approach, to ensure the best for any learner.