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Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy

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What is Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy?

Amatsu therapy is a therapeutic bodywork approach working with the soft tissue and fascia.  It has been formed by blending of modern research on anatomy, physiology and movement with ancient Japanese movement practices (known as Taijutsu) dating back some three thousand years.  The Amatsu principles taught today are from the ancient school of ninjitsu known as “Hi Chi Bu Ku Goshin Jutsu”.  This is a school of breathing techniques and physical modalities of well-being and translates as “The Secret School of the Opening Flower” 

If you imagine a flower opening, or a piece of grass growing, although not obvious it has immense power.  Noting will stop the flower opening or the grass growing – it will even crack concrete as the blade of grass slowly and steadily grows through it.  The flower will open when it has the correct environment, even if it is within a crowded space; it simply pushes slowly and steadily at its neighbours until it can grow to its full potential.  This is natural movement.  And it has immense power, but little strength.

Amatsu practitioners attempt to harness natural movement to create tiny change within the structure of the body: soft tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.  No strength is used.  It is a light tough therapy.  However, such natural movement is immensely powerful, and will create small, subtle yet far-reaching changes.

The human body is designed to move freely, and at will.  If there are restrictions in movement, ultimately, injury or disease will occur, as the body grows to its usage.  Fascia becomes tighter and restricted, free movement is not available, and “lesion patterns” occur.  Amatsu attempts to give space back to those restricted areas of fascia, thus allowing movement.

LilleyPad Training is a registered school within Amatsu Therapy International (UK) Limited (ATIUK).  The syllabus that ATIUK works from was created by Jane Langston and Gina Lilley and is a result of many years’ experience and research.  Bringing Amatsu Soft Tissue therapy into line with National Occupational Standards (NOS) without compromising its fundamentals.  The emphasis is on teaching with an adaptable approach, to ensure the best for every learner.


Amatsu Therapy International UK Limited (ATIUK)

The Association that looks after Amatsu Practitioners that have mainly come through The Amatsu Training School Limited and LilleyPad Training.

ATIUK represents members and gives them a community through which to exchange understanding and lend support to one another, whilst ensuring there is a bedrock of robust policy and procedure to protect both the member and the public.

ATIUK is proud to be part of GCMT, the Counsel for Soft Tissue Therapists.   Gina Lilley is currently Executive Secretary for GCMT.

It is important that LilleyPad Training sits within a well structed Association that has the wider picture of complementary health as its foundation.